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Earth Restoration Series Abstract Art | Artmiabo

 Earth Restoration Series Abstract Art 

My passion in fine art is painting. I love to paint in all mediums and the outcome is always remarkable to me. I know I love to make a beautiful craft, but for me painting on any surface, is what I truly enjoy exploring.

To emphasis this is simply to look back, on the paintings by our forefathers, we call it rock painting they called it Art!.

I enjoy every second and savor every brushstroke as my imagination burst unto canvas, capturing my thoughts, on a particular subject, indeed it is truly gratifying.

EARTH RESTORATION SERIES mixed media by miabo enyadike

Abstract paintings with a mixed media twist always capture my imagination, sorry guys, just saying what works for me.
 My personal take on still life painting is simple, it does no justice to the very eclectic world we find ourselves in.

EARTH RESTORATION SERIES mixed media by miabo enyadike

 This is a world, that is indeed a mishmash of colors, ideas, techniques, and ambitious creativity, coming together to form a union. Where ideas no longer have a monopoly and the artist is able to indulge in new techniques, and incorporate all sorts into their artwork, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.

 This is what brings my staunch love for abstract paintings into the fore.
This series is all about the restoration of the earth. It goes on to describe, how parts of the earth, annually suffer a recurring backlash from nature. 

EARTH RESTORATION SERIES mixed media by miabo enyadike
These natural disasters consist of turmoils, brought in by hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, wild forest fires that go on to unleash terrible pain and suffering on people.

How the earth gets restored, by the same nature that destroyed it  is simply amazing and the way people slowly,  pick up the pieces contributing to this restorations, in their own little way, is nothing short of remarkable while hoping against hope it does not occur again..... ENJOY

EARTH RESTORATION SERIES mixed media by miabo enyadike

