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Garden flower drawings to View By Miabo Enyadike

Garden flower drawings to View

                                 Eucalyptus Plant, Ink Drawing, Miabo Enyadike


Dianthus sp. Flower, drawing by Miabo Enyadike

Dianthus sp. Flower, drawing by Miabo Enyadike

Drawing with pen is another form of art I indulge in once a while. It is truly relaxing, but a little tricky.

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The good thing though, is this is for someone like me, who is hands on , restless and free spirited. A little bit of something dainty to work on, keeps me grounded and I love that.

When I found this book in a flea market, it had all these wonderful gorgeous flowers in it, I knew I had to have it. 

Tulips: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 25cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike

Tulips: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 25cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike

The thought of drawing them in black and white was appealing to me, then came interpreting my thoughts about each flower on paper.
I used a black ink pen and that to me was daunting especially after several mistakes.

Daffodils: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 20cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike
Daffodils: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 20cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike

Finally, I cracked the code 'PATIENCE AND RESPECT' for the plant!.

This meant I had to read about each flower,I had selected to draw, let's be clear I hate biology.

Sunflower: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 30cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike
Sunflower: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 30cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike

 Then I had to see them in real life, which meant going from one flower store, to another.
 I knew I was, wearing down the sales people with questions, and not buying flowers from the store after all that questioning, was really annoying to the sales person.

Aster: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 30cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike
Aster: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 30cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike

It did not  matter. I was on a quest, and  a few angry looks was not going to put me off.I was going to draw these flowers ,they were important to me and I love a challenge.

Marigold: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 15cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike
Marigold: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 15cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike


I eventually got all the information I needed, sat down, night after night and drew these flowers, just the way I saw them in my mind.

Saffron: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 20cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike
Saffron: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 20cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike

  My interest in flowers stems from my love for natures colors and beauty. 

 flowers are part of nature and so they form part of our natural habitat and the presence of flowers and the subtle message, it brings with its calm beauty cannot be overemphasized...... Enjoy.

Tulips: Pen and Ink: Drawing: 25cmx30cm: Miabo Enyadike
